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Rowan Wiechmann

Business coach
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Rowan Wiechmann

Rowan, the owner of the coaching company is a former military Sergeant with more than 8 years of experience in high-performance & leadership.

He has served 5.5 years as an executive in the military, has been on deployment in Afghanistan and also worked for 1 year as a team leader in logistics where he was responsible for managing +/- 60 people on his team.

He also started coaching aspiring male entrepreneurs 2+ years ago and founded the coaching company "The Pure Man," this is literally his life mission and goal to help as many people as possible get the most out of their lives and business so they can be an inspiration and leading example to others.

This has since grown to a team of 2 coaches who are experts in personal areas such as, health, relationships, mindset, spirituality, stress management etc.

And he himself as a transformational business coach with expertise in NLP, team building, leadership, marketing, sales, operations, systems, automation, strategy, planning, structure and much more.

Literally everything so you can't have a BS excuse for not getting results.

He does this through 1-1 coaching, group coaching in his fraternity "The Pure Man" and an invite-only mastermind exclusively for the best performers within the Pure Man called "The Division."

Over the past 2 years, Rowan's coaching, systems and tools have led him to now help over 50+ successful entrepreneurs around the world increase their sales at least 2-7x, while performing better in all other areas of their lives. With a 98% success rate.

Service Points and Rowan currently have a collaboration on 1-1 transformative business coaching, where we are on the road during 1-1 sessions, but also together with the CEOs to take Service Points to an extremely high level to literally become the established name in Europe.

Rowan also continues to provide regular coaching for Service Points clients and has since become the business coach for many members within this client base.

Because of the positive collaborations with the CEOs of Service Points, and the current customers who have come through Service Points, Rowan and we have an arrangement in place whereby people who come in through Service Points get priority access to the fraternity and its 1-1 coaching tracks.